Planet Goddess Sedna

Astro Oracle Astro Musings Leave a Comment

Sedna is the name given to a newly discovered planet, and Sedna is also the name of the Canadian-Alaskan Inuit tribe’s “Goddess of the Sea”. Sedna was discovered by astronomers at the time of the lunar eclipse “Harmonic Convergence” of November 8, 2003. Sedna was at 17 degrees of the sign of Taurus conjuncting the full moon & earth opposite to the Sun in the sign of Scorpio. She was found in “no man’s land” outside Pluto’s orbit.

Her Birth announcement to the world came on March 15, 2004 when the moon & chiron came together in the sign of the great cosmic conscious water sign of Pisces.

Her message to the world is for the emergence of the feminine out of being victimized by the patriarchy.  To a place of being honored as the great Mother of All Living, giver and sustainer of All Life.

The inuit people’s legend of Sedna is that she was a motherless child raised by her father. Her father wanted her to marry but she refused all her suitors. Her father one day said that she must marry the next man that came to marry her. When a man appeared in the distance, he had his face cloaked and hidden. When he arrived, Sedna’s father said to him, ”I have a beautiful daughter, Sedna, she cooks, cleans and sews and she will make a wonderful wife. The man leaves with Sedna and when he takes down the cloak he reveals his true identity. He is a raven. He takes Sedna to his nest and each day goes out to hunt and brings  raw meat to feed her.

Sedna is so unhappy, sad and lonely. She cries out in pain and her father hears her. Her father then comes to rescue her in his kayak and begins to take her home. When the Raven spots them in the ocean he begins to attack the kayak trying to get Sedna. The ocean becomes rough and stormy, and to save himself her father throws Sedna out of the kayak and into the ocean. When she tries to climb back into the kayak, her father cuts off her figures. From her blood the whales, dolphins, seal, mammals and fish of the ocean and born, Sedna sinks to the bottom of the ocean, where she becomes the queen of the sea and is taken care of by all the sea life she has given birth to.

She has been honored by the Inuit people as their “Goddess of the Sea” and giver of food and of life. When the ocean is stormy, and the Inuit people can not fish or eat. They believe someone has upset Sedna, and they must do ceremony “combing her hair, praying and making offerings to her.  The Inuit believe the waters become rough when women, children, animals or the Earth are being misused or abused.

The planet, Sedna has a very long, large & eccentric cycle of 10,500 years, and is known to be a red planet.  Sedna is spelled like the red rock city of Sedona, except the O is missing.

In 1848, at the start of the women’s suffarage movement. sedna was on the cusp of pisces/aries, the sign of the ending of a cycle and the beginning of a new cycle. In 1920
the year of emancipation of women, sedna was at 13 degrees of Aries and stayed in aries until 1963, and was on the cusp of Aries and Taurus until 1966 when she moved into the sign of Taurus.

For all people born from late 1800-1966 Sedna is in the sign of Aries the red warrior sign of the great I am that I am. She is now and for many more years in the sign
of Taurus, the sign of the earth mother ruled by Venus, the goddess of love.

An Inuit prayer to Sedna
hail great sedna
our nourishment, the food basket of the deep bountiful & fierce sea
she who is powerful
bringer of food and storms
she who commands the fish, seal, walrus, whales & polar bear
Sedna of the northern deep
Mother of sea creatures
Creatrix who sustains the Inuit
she who swims in the icy ocean
She who is guardian of all who honor her
We Cherish, Honor &Give Thanks toYou for All Life & Nourishment

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